Born in Saint-Quentin, Jérôme Maury started music at 10 and clarinet at 15. He studied at the CRR in Reims (instrument, chamber music, writing, music culture, conducting) where he received the First Instrumental Development Awards awarded by Guy Deplus - former Professor at the CNSMDP - and Chamber Music. Then he perfected himself with clarinetists of National Orchestras (Republican Guard, Paris Opera, National Orchestra of France). At the same time, he entered the CEFEDEM in Lorraine where he followed his pedagogical tutoring, notably with Olivier Dartevelle (former principal clarinet of the RTL Philharmonic Orchestra) and obtained the State Diploma of Clarinet Teacher.
Ex Petite clarinet Mib at the European Union Youth Wind Orchestra (EUYWO), he has performed in the band at radio concerts as well as abroad (Kerkrade International Festival in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium).
He has accompanied international soloists such as Claude Delangle, Clément Saunier, Nicolas Baldeyrou, Philippe Berrod...
He has also performed with the French Chamber Orchestra (OCFAM) and has performed at events such as the Olivier Messiaen Centenary of Reims, the Summer Musical Hours of Charleville-Mézières, The Festival Les Clefs de Notre-Dame de Poitiers and in Paris, Rouen, Le Havre, Barcelona...
Attached to the support of amateur musical practice, he was Assistant Director of the Saint-Quentin Harmony Orchestra for thirteen years.
He is currently a member of the Donna Musica Orchestra (EIDM, Hauts-de-Seine) and a clarinet ensemble (Paris). He also performs in Recital and Soloist with various formations in Symphonic and Chamber Music. He is the co-founder of two duets - one with organist Maurice Pinsson, co-owner of the Grandes Organs de Charleville-Mézières and the Duo Dos Maderas with guitarist Isabelle Chomet. He also collaborated with composer Dominique Lemaître.
Passionate about the arrangement, he is the author of achievements for educational purposes and for amateur and professional training published at Editions Andel in Belgium.
Having teaching experience in Accredited Conservatories (CRR, CRD, CRI), Jérôme Maury is currently a teacher in the Hauts-de-France region, a member of the Collective of Musicians of the Forest Baths (BFM) of the Festival of Forests, intervening for the Workshops of The Pocket Concerts, mentoring in the DEMOS Aisne Project (Philharmonie de Paris) and in the International Summer Academy in collaboration with Luis Angel De Benito , Director of programming and host on Classic Radio Spain - RNE).