Joël Fernande was born on the 18th of January 1949 at Beaugency near Orleans in France. He spent his youth in Madagascar, Gabon and Algeria. In 1968 he signed in at the Ground Forces. Mostly autodidactive, he started his musical studies at the age of 23.
He served at the "Bataillon de chasseurs alpins" from 1969 until 1971. Then muted to Versailles in 1971 to the Military music of the 5th Infantery Regiment. He did his musical studies at the conservatory of Rueil-Malmaison and became laureate in the class Saxhorn bass. He also completed his musical studies at the conservatory of the "Musique de l'armée de terre de Rueil-Malmaison. He studied conducting by inspiring on great military conductors.
He became 2nd conductor (Adjudant) in 1977 at the Military music band of the 5th Infantery Regiment.
In 1979 after succeeding his exam for director of Military bands, he became Band director 2nd class (Under Lieutenant). He conducted succesively the military bands of the 6th Régiment du Génie (Lieutenant and captain) from 1979 until 1987. The military band of the 43rd Régiment d'Infaterie (Captain and commander from 1987 until 1997). The Military band "Région terre Ile de France/8th Régiment de transmission at Suresnes. The Military Band "Région terre Sud Ouest" stationed at Toulouse where he retired on the 1st of September 2007.
Joël Fernande is a composer and arranger and membre of Sacem.
He composed several Military marches dedicated to the regiments stationed in the South West.
Joël Fernande was awarded the Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite, Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques, the bronze National Defense medal and the honnorary medal from the Sociétés Chorales et musicales.