Raymond Decancq was born on December 1, 1935 in Roeselare, the oldest son in a family of three children.
In 1958 he married Maria Ost. They had two children: Martine and Patrick. Five more grandchildren were later added. Raymond received his secondary education in the then Rijksmiddelbare School in Roeselare. At the Roeselaarse Urban Academy for Music and Word 'Adriaen Willaert' he won first prize for piano in 1955 and a first prize for piano in 1960 Harmony.
At the Royal Conservatory of Music in Ghent he won his first prize for music theory in 1968. In 1969 he obtained the regency diploma musical education through the Centrale Board of Examiners in Brussels.
Following in the footsteps of his great-grandfather, grandfather and father, Raymond practiced 1950 t.e.m. 1968. During that period he was also a semi-professional pianist in various entertainment orchestras. From this position he made a tour in the former Belgian Congo for Sabena. From 1960.m to 1983 he conducted the Roeselare socialist harmony ' Fight for Art."From 1968.m to 1995 he was of his own motion teacher of musical education at the Rijks middenscholen van Tielt, Kortrijk, Poperinge, Diksmuide and Roeselare.
During the same period he was teacher and pedagogical coordinator general musical education at the Roeselare Urban Academy of Music and Word 'Adriaen Willaert'.He retired on 1 January 1996. He is a composer and partner of Sabam.